Boozy's Legal Funhouse
Boozy, a Philadelphia area attorney and comedian, sits down every two weeks with his performing partner and certified Legal Layman, Alkali, for a discussion of legal news and an explanation of how legal principles are truly messed up. Every other week the pair look at an actual legal case, current or historical, in a lighthearted and profane manner as Boozy tries to get Alkali to understand the law really can be made up as one goes along.
Podcasting since 2021 • 47 episodes
Boozy's Legal Funhouse
Latest Episodes
Live at Fursquared 2025: Spirit of the Will
Join Boozy and his Certified Legal Layman, Alkali, as they appear live to record at Fursquared 2025. Joining in the haunted masquerade, the duo discuss a case of spirits with a particular interest in the distribution of a nice old lady's ...
Season 1
Episode 47

Holiday Special 2024: Ho Ho Horrible
Join Boozy and the Certified Legal Layman, Alkali, joined by special guest Buddy Goodboy - an actual honest to god research attorney - for another holiday episode with three Santas of increasing horrendous nature to ring in another year! ...
Season 1
Episode 46

Thanksgiving Special - Gobble Gobble GOOD LORD
Join Boozy and the certified legal layman, Alkali, as they both return from a long and unplanned hiatus just in time for that holiday where everyone gorges themselves on turkey. It's time to give thanks for three turkey day themed...
Season 1
Episode 45

Live at Anthrocon 24: Petty B*tches - The Case of Marbury v. Madison
Join Boozy and Alkali as we discuss how a long running feud of two founding fathers constantly trying to piss off the other one led to the concept of judicial review and the creation of a court that has daily reminded the American public they a...
Season 1
Episode 44

Filet Mignonette - The Cases of U.S. v. Holmes and R. v. Dudley & Stephens
Join Boozy and the Certified Legal Layman, Alkali for a supersized episode of high sea slaughter as they discuss the criminal defense of necessity and whether the law of the sea or the law of the land controls cases where a cabin boy looks like...
Season 1
Episode 43